From the Enphase Ensemble home screen, select Customize. From here, you can choose your mode of operation.
Self Consumption Mode: In regular operation, when grid power is present, the Enphase Ensemble will be in self-consumption mode. This mode prioritizes the consumption or storage of solar production over exporting it to the grid.
Savings Mode: During daylight and off-peak hours, your solar production will be prioritized to:
1. Power your home
2. Charge you batteries
3. Export any excess to the grid
During peak hours, your consumption will be shifted as follows:
1. Solar (If possible)
Battery Backup3. Grid Import
Backup-Only mode: When a power outage occurs, the Enphase System’s Smart Profile will be shifted so that your solar energy will be prioritized to:
1. Power your home with solar
2. Recharge your batteries
Regardless of the battery mode selected, your batteries will automatically discharge
power to your home during a power outage.