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All-in-One Solar Installation Company

Looking for the Best Solar Panel Company Near You?

It can be difficult to search for the best solar companies. What should you look for? Our difference is that we specialize in solar repair. This has allowed us to ensure that we don’t make the mistakes that ‘fly-by-night’ solar installers make, ensuring that the job is done right the first time.

Call Forme Solar today at 877-288-1097 or submit your information to receive a free quote.

Mission Statement

To fuel the future of renewable energy by making reliable power a part of every home.



Do what you say and say what you do. We value trust above all else.

Community Obsessed

Employees and customers are our community. We sweat every detail of the experience.


We thrive on providing information to help make informed decisions.

Stronger Together

We succeed or falter together. We help each other when needed. No task is beneath any of us.

Respect & Dignity

Treat all people with respect and dignity at all times. Period.

Giving Back

We are stewards of the future and strive to give everyone the opportunity to prosper.

Sustainability Starts with a Happy Team

Our Difference - Formedable Team and Mission!

After spending years understanding the technology and hearing why so many customers still chose to tolerate the constantly rising cost of non-renewable energy to power their homes, it became clear that the customer experience for people wanting to go solar was in need of a change. Forme Solar was thus founded on 4 main values. From time to time we revisit these values to see if it still holds true. We hope it does - and you can hold us to that.

team meeting company outing
team meeting


There should be no surprises when switching to renewable energy. Our clients trust our objectivity and no short-term gain could ever justify breaching that trust.


An informed customer is a lasting customer. Even if you don't know exactly what you're looking for, we want to provide you the insight to find answers. We want to build smart solar shoppers.


We see being great as a starting point, not an end point. We constantly seek to improve our quality of our service make our service a fast and seamless experience for millions.

Do Good

Our users trust our objectivity and no short-term gain could ever justify breaching that trust. We believe that good corporate citizenship is how we can produce real value for society.

Dedicated to Developing Smart Solar Shoppers

Whether you’re a homeowner, business, or nonprofit, electricity costs can make up a large portion of your monthly expenses. With a solar panel system, you’ll be able to harness free sun power for your system’s entire 25+ year lifecycle. Even if you don’t produce 100 percent of the energy you consume, solar will reduce your utility bills and you’ll still save a lot of money. See if you qualify for special solar discounts to make it even easier to go solar.

forme education training
forme solar cmoo speaking
Forme Solar University

We are dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of the solar profession. Forme Solar University was created to ensure this happens. This relentless training is the reason we are the best solar company in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Riverside, and San Bernardino. On average, we hire 1 out of every 10 solar installers in Orange County who apply to join our solar installation and repair services team. In other words, we don’t hire amateurs or inexperienced solar installers. Because of our intensive training program, each solar installer becomes proficient in carrying out solar installation and repair services to the utmost satisfaction of our customers. So where do the 90% that we don’t hire go? Somewhere else.

A solar panel can reduce those costs to zero, or nearly zero, depending on the size and energy usage of the home. When your solar system generates more power than you use, your electric meter will run backwards—meaning that you are giving power to the grid, rather than taking it—and you will receive a credit on your electric bill. When this happens, you can end up saving thousands of dollars in just a few years and help to increase the value of your home by thousands of dollars. Homes with solar panels also get sold faster, so they are a good investment even if you plan to move eventually. Lastly, you can give yourself a pat on the back because your panels will be producing clean, renewable energy for your family in the decades to come.

Leading Solar Panel Industry Partners

As the established broker of renewable energy for both residential and commercial solar. We have developed numerous partnerships with top Suppliers, Installers, and Finance companies throughout the United States.

qcells forme partner best in class performance
Find the best service to help you maximize your savings

We provide you a packaged all-in-one experience to maximize your savings and reduce the complexity of going solar. Let us take the hassle out of buying or leasing your Solar Energy or Energy Backup System.

Solar Industry Leading Partners Like:

  • Tesla
  • Q Cells
  • LG Chem
  • Panasonic
  • Sunpower
  • SunRun

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panasonic solar
q cells logo germany
lg solar panel partner
sunrun certified partner

We empower homeowners in their shift to renewable energy sources and help reduce their energy costs

Raising the Bar as the Best Solar Company

The choice of which solar panel company you will employ for your solar panel installation or solar repair is a very important one. You wanted a fully-licensed and qualified expert solar technician with years of experience to ensure that your solar project is completed properly the first time. Forme Solar's service technicians are fully-trained, bonded, and licensed to give our customers that extra bit of peace-of-mind.

solar installation LA solar company

Complete All-in-One Solar Energy Provider

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